Some things I love about my work
- Short commute between work and house (10 min).
- Shout commute between work and climbing gym (5 min).
- Reasonable, flexible hours.
- Big monitors. Lots of ergonomic keyboards.
- Respect, managing own project.
- Fair money.
- Friends at work.
- Devstudio's AddIn features. (My ToggleFile, UnitTest addins, etc.)
- Search buffer vs. Copy buffer. (Ctrl+H vs. Ctrl+C)
- Context menus, autofill, etc.
Some things I don't love about my work
- What happened to stock options? Bonuses?
- Look-and-feel of Vista
- Company treatment of division.
- Company treatment of self. (Lost stock during transition.)
- Microsoft's newfound distrust of developers.
- Only MacOS gets the notifier for Google Reader.
To do:
- Get pulse of product via friends.
- Get pulse of both company.
- Make a brag page.
wiki/career.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 by