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Table of Contents
Notes from PyCon 2013
@pydanny: #pycon pro-tip: Show up to @raymondh or @jacobian or @roguelynn's talks early!
Speaker Decks: PyCon Slides
Books for Kids
Disney - Optimizing
David Schachter presented a talk on program optimization.
His slides are available, too.
New Relic - Managing Python App Performance
Instrument Django apps with New Relic. He ran us through some katas.
They love postgression for PostgreSQL testing. It makes temporary databases. looks interesting. Should look into that.
Recommended book: Two Scoops of Django has a link to instrumented Python packages.
Promocode: pycon13, free T-shirt
Google talk (3 parts)
1. User / Application Identity
Adam Eidenberg spoke. They say they're going to post a link somewhere.
# Create a project # More stuff...
2. Discovery
Lightning Talks
PyCharm is a Python IDE.
Compare against Wing IDE.
Mark Ransom
NASberryPi speaker got it working on a Pogo plug.
uPNP Media Server (minidlna)
Uses OpenVPN client for torrent to the house from cloud.
OpenVPN and Transmission
Uses a
NES Javascript Guto Maia
PyWeek challenge
April 14-21 used for game development
Don't Make People Watch You Type
import code module, interactiveconsole
Job Security
“How do I write unmainainable code?” Bad names.
Monkey Patching
import magic
math.sin, math.cos = math.cos, math.sin
KHAN Academy
KA Lite runs on a RaspBerry Pi
Started with Django, standard web server… trimmed it down to pure python,
cherrypy, etc.
Offline Commons (release content such that peer-to-peer is allowed.)
5K Run
John Hunter Memorial fund
Raymond Hettinger @raymondh
What makes Python awesome?
whoami id -un
Python is a big box of LEGOs.
(That was referring to iterables as built in to the language.)
Generators and the yield statement.
formfeed example. Find it. “Winning Language Features:”
Checkout twisted's inline deferred, @inline_deferred
Check out itty
from itty import get, post, run_itty @get('/pathsomething') def xxx(): xxxxx
with ignore(OSError): os.remove(someFile)
Random Python-related URLs
Programming Othello/Reversi in Python
Why Netflix is embracing Python over Java. Sounds like an overly-zealous article.