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Table of Contents
Install per the manufacturer's instructions, then checkout the top tips at their community forum.
First Things
First installation notes from my AMD Ryzen 7040 Series Framework (32GB DDR5-5600, 1TB NVMe) Ubuntu 22.04 LTS:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install vim git sudo apt install exuberant-ctags cscope moreutils
Now that you have vim and git:
git clone ssh:// cd dotfiles ./
Now that you can barely tolerate your terminal, get the rest:
sudo apt install tmux entr tmux sudo apt install curl jq tree expect gnuplot httpie visidata sudo apt install python3-pip python3 -m pip install matplotlib
Install Google Chrome.
Desktop Background: chinesemoon
User pic: magicavoxel_avatar_for_circular_apertures.png
Gnome (Desktop Env) Usability Issues
Settle on a preferred screen resolution and zoom.
Extend/Continue tap-drag with another tap
I'll have to find another way to phrase that. make tap-drag on a trackpad continue dragging.
Adjust speed of vertical scrolling
How to change 2-finger touchpad scroll speed on Ubuntu 22.04.
Maximizing into new Workspace
I also need to learn more command keys for Workspaces. Maximize To Workspace With History.