This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
To Do
- Assess new computers; use a Google Docs document
- Clean up Google+ Feed code. (See which encoders you need.)
- Blog about the dream on vacation: “You are not wanted here. Go away.” Mention favorite songs? Peaches? Rest for Wicked?
- Make a new avatar
- Google Document for Hallway Bathroom
- Finish the dead-man's switch (use AtomPub for Habari, WP; OAuth for Twitter, PlurkAPI)
- Use the saved iPhone tracking database to make a predictor.
Round out some glaring omissions
- Couple more RHCP songs you've liked. What are they?
- Make page of music to listen to: American Idiot, more Radiohead, etc.
Exit Strategies
- Maybe migrate delicious to pinboard
- Maybe migrate from flickr to picasaweb or smugmug or
- Archive livejournal posts
Maybe use to search them all?
- Add a “Respond Privately” or email link after comments get closed.
- Consider that mobile style used by Leigh Reyes and Milkypink. Do something like that.
- Blog about: Building the factory next to the gold mine.
- Blog about the making of the TechCrunch Filter Feed.
- Blog about the Life Unexamined. Maybe reference some links here.
- Block about this metaphor of software development strategies, farming vs. mining.
- Accelerating Addictiveness vs. Willpower Framing in terms of the positive.
Back Burner
- Upload mentos+soda video
- Upload fraps video of Minecraft worlds
- Add Python cronjob daemon template to cloud9
- Visualizations: Check out that awesome HTML5 visualization from colleague.
- Consider replacing imdbphp with imdbpy.
- Mobile Dokuwiki: See if I can disable plugin sidebarng based on the value of $INFO['ismobile'], and make other mobile stylesheet customizations.
- Keep reading Dive into HTML5
OpenTape and MuxScrobbler
- Ayu\(miss)understood\16 rainy day.mp3 ←- tags are all wrong for this song.
- Songs not playing - symbolic link problem vs. file copying
- OpenTape data is encrypted.
todo.1315021096.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)