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Some good recommendataions from Fresh Air.
From YouTube
Round out some omissions
- Couple more RHCP songs you've liked. What are they?
- Make page of music to listen to: American Idiot, more Radiohead, etc.
- Maybe add Christina Perri's “Jar of Hearts”
The April 2011 GQ
Group | Movie | Rating |
The Chemical Brothers | Hanna | Best Chemical Bros. album in a decade! |
Daft Punk | Tron | Very boilerplate for them. |
Beck, Nigel Godrich | Scott Pilgrim | Pissy garage rock that sounds as if it took minutes to write. Any longer and it've sucked. |
Trent Reznor | The Social Network | Creeping, crawling sonics that remain as distant as Zuckerberg's stare. |
James Murphy | Greenberg | Restrained set of indie pop. |
music.1321425386.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)