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Cold Brew Coffee

This recipe is for your FreshLok Cold Brew Coffee Maker and your Mr. Coffee 12 Cup grinder.

  1. Fill the infuser to the top of the mesh with 14 to 16 tbsp (a cup) coarse grounds.
    1. Fill grinder to “Max Fill” line with beans, and grind at “12 cups, coarse”. Pour into infuser.
    2. And fill grinder again only to the metal bowl's rim, grind at “6 cups, coarse”. Pour into infuser.
  2. Fill water to line on pitcher
  3. Cold brew for a day, swirling sometimes.
  4. When done brewing, for additional flavor, place the filter in a glass and allow the coffee to drain from the grounds for 45 minutes. Pour this additional concentrate (approx ½ cup) into the pitcher and shake to mix.
cold-brew-coffee.1662403341.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)