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Which canned or bottled coffees would I buy again?

Coffee Image Notes
Equator Coffees Cold Latte Shake well. Good.
Equator Coffees Cold Mocha Shake well, had gunk at bottom. Will be fizzy when you open, though. Chocolate tastes high cacao. Not too sweet.
High Brew Sweet Cream Nitro Tilt and open to activate a nitro releasing mechanism. Smooth, seems to work. Like this one.
High Brew Cold Brew Mexican Vanilla Pretty good. Would get again.
La Colombe, Latte Draft Double Shot Think I loved this too. Need update.
La Colombe, Latte Draft Triple Shot I loved this.
Peet's Iced Espresso Black and White Refined, not to sweet. Shake well.
Peet's Iced Espresso Mocha Delicious. Shake a little. Still some pressure.
Starbucks Cold Brew Vanilla Sweet Cream Very sweet. Wouldn't choose first, wouldn't refuse.
Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew Vanilla Sweet Cream Very smooth. Liked it a lot.
Trader Joe's French Vanilla Cold Brew Coffee Little more bitter. Think I would not choose first. May have to try again to be sure.
Trader Joe's Organic Cold Brew Coffee Nitrogen infused, but still bitter for me. Need to add creamer.
coffee.1642809337.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)