This is an old revision of the document!
Here are some BrightScript tips.
On a Windows system, here's a template Sublime project:
- My_Project.sublime-project
{ "build_systems": [ { "name": "Zip", "working_dir": "$project_path", "windows": { "cmd": "\"C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe\" a -tzip \"$\" manifest source/*.* images" }, "osx": { "shell_cmd": "zip \"$\" manifest source/*.* images" }, "linux": { "shell_cmd": "zip \"$\" manifest source/*.* images" } } ], "folders": [ { "path": ".", "file_exclude_patterns": [ "tags", "*.zip", "*.sublime-project" ], "folder_exclude_patterns": [ "obj" ], } ] }
Syntax Highlighting
BrightScript Language Definition Bundle for Sublime Text 2 is available here: cmink/BrightScript.tmbundle
Once you've git cloned the project, remove the extra git-only files, and zip it up to BrightScript.sublime-package.
$ rm TODO $ rm .gitignore $ rm -rf .git $ cd .. $ zip BrightScript.sublime-package BrightScript.tmbundle/*
brightscript.1442117426.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)