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We got our first Macintosh. Here are some things I'm considering doing.


  • Get Chrome (Login and sync.)
  • Disable the dashboard with
    defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES; Killall Dock
  • System Preferences:
    • Tap-and-drag: System Preferences → Universal Access → Mouse & Trackpad → Trackpad Options and enable 'Dragging (with/without) Drag Lock' (the second checkbox) to restore the old behavior.
  • Appearance
    • Place scroll arrows: At top and bottom
  • Mouse
  • Dock
    • Position on Right
    • Automatically show and hide dock?
  • Outlook
    • Turn off auto underline-to-italic: Preferences → AutoCorrect then click on the AutoFormat page

BSD grep

OS X comes with BSD grep pre-installed, which doesn't use the Perl -P flag.

  1. Go to and run the ruby command.
  2. brew install homebrew/dupes/grep –with-default-names
  3. Log out of that console window and log back in again.

Python Packages

If pip isn't installed yet (Python older than 2.7.9), then install it with easy_install, then install requests.

sudo -H easy_install pip
sudo -H pip install requests


Shortcut Action
Command+space Spotlight (Very handy!)
Command+W Close the window.
Command+Q Quit the application. (Closing its windows isn't enough.)
Command+click Open the link in another tab.
Command+Tab Switch between applications.
Command+` Switch between windows within the application.
Command+Opt+Esc Force Quit the application
Shift+Opt+Command+V Paste without formatting

Versions and Codenames

Current info at Wikipedia: OS_X#Versions

Codename Version Notes
Snow Leopard 10.6 iMac
Lion 10.7 MacBook Air (allows dragging on all window borders)
Mountain Lion 10.8 Current

Daemons, Agents, Cron, Launchd

The preferred way to set a repeating task is not to use a cronjob but launchd.

In your ~/bin directory, create a job to run,
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl --data "`hostname -s`=`ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -v "" | sed -E 's/.*inet (([0-9]+.){3}[0-9]+).*/\1/'`&auth=ahov" ""

cd into ~/Library/LaunchAgents and add a new plist file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">

Finally, you need to explicitly load it.

$ launchctl load -w com.dlma.tag_ip_address.plist

Software to Get

Danelope suggests these Image Editors:

Preferences I don't set anymore

iOS Apps

Here are iPhone/iPod apps I really want to make.


Sokoban: Plenty already exist. What matters here is an intuitive (to me) user control.


What matters here is the ability to scrobble what I've played to directly from my iPhone/iPod.


The existing official client could stand improvement.

Prey for when the device goes missing. (Or is stolen by a thief.)


aps, todo

apple.1457412063.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)