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About This Wiki

This wiki was originally installed to compare different wiki implementations. I found that dokuwiki is my favorite, and I'll probably not uninstall this.


Like many wikis, you can create a user account yourself and immediately start editing these pages. Just click on the Login button below, and on the next screen, select Register.

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If I know you, I'd also be happy to give you administrator priviliges.


This wiki was originally made with the DokuWiki 2006-02-08 developer release.

Then it was updated in place to the DokuWiki 2006-11-06 release.

Finally, it was ported to “Rincewind RC1” 2011-04-22. (The data files moved over.)

Here are which changed I made, and which plugins I used to create this wiki:

  • Two-column template. (A variant of sidebar-2006-03-05. I made the sidebar units ems and set a constant width to the sidebar in ems. Now user sizing is better supported, and expanding the width of the page doesn't waste space in the sidebar. Also, had to remove the css clear attribute from some other elements (H1, TOC, etc.) )
  • Added the image in the corner of the page.
    • Had to adjust an .htaccess in the path to the logo.png.
  • Considering the plugin:indexmenu plugin.

design.css had the ordered lists style changed:

ol {list-style-type: decimal}
ol ol {list-style-type: upper-alpha}
ol ol ol {list-style-type: lower-alpha}
ol ol ol ol {list-style-type: lower-roman}

Note: IE does not support the -greek styles.

about.1304230593.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)