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git [2024/04/11 16:58] – [git at] dblumegit [2024/06/12 11:29] (current) dblume
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 The submodule one is an optimization for the more general: The submodule one is an optimization for the more general:
 +<code bash>
 +git submodule update --recursive  # Add --init before --recursive on first time
 +====== Submodules ======
 +[[|Demystifying git submodules]] is [[|summarized by Julia Evans in a 'zine page here]].
 +Cloning a repo doesn't download its submodules. After cloning, run:
 +<code bash>
 +git submodule update --init --recursive
 +Git pull and checkout don't update submodules. To actually update them, you have to run the following every time you switch branches or pull.
 <code bash> <code bash>
 git submodule update --recursive  # Add --init before --recursive on first time git submodule update --recursive  # Add --init before --recursive on first time
git.1712879885.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/11 16:58 by dblume