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git [2023/01/30 00:20] – [Limit scope of huge repos] dblumegit [2024/06/12 11:29] (current) dblume
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== git ====== ====== git ======
-Make the clone at the remote repository.+Make the clone of the remote repository.
 <code> <code>
Line 10: Line 10:
 git remote add upstream git:// git remote add upstream git://
 </code> </code>
 +If it's a huge repo, [[|consider blobless and single branch and no tags]], like so...
 +git clone \
 +  --filter=blob:none \
 +  -b main \
 +  --single-branch \
 +  --no-tags \
 +  --shallow-submodules \
 +  --recurse-submodules=os/components/toolchain \
 +  --recurse-submodules=':(exclude)**/porting_kit:' \
 +Eventually, if you want to add another branch to a single-branch clone:
 +  git remote set-branches --add origin another-branch
 +Or to de-single-branch-ize a clone:
 +  git remote set-branches origin "*"
 ===== Creating a new remote repository from an existing local one ===== ===== Creating a new remote repository from an existing local one =====
Line 54: Line 77:
   $ git push --set-upstream origin new_branch   $ git push --set-upstream origin new_branch
 +==== Creating a local branch from an existing remote ====
 +After doing a fetch, and suppose "origin/remote-branch" exists, then just:
 +  $ git switch remote-branch
 ==== Changing a local branch to a new remote branch ==== ==== Changing a local branch to a new remote branch ====
Line 96: Line 124:
 git switch main git switch main
 git branch -d bugfix/JIRA-1-new-bugfix git branch -d bugfix/JIRA-1-new-bugfix
 +git pull
 +====== Resolving a Merge Conflict ======
 +git mergetool (possibly with filename)  # Bring up the vim 3-way diff
 +# +----------+-----------+------------------+
 +# | (others) | (common)  | (my most recent) |
 +# | LOCAL    | BASE      | REMOTE           |
 +# +-----------------------------------------+
 +# |                                         |
 +# | temp file with <<< ||| >>> diffs        |
 +# +-----------------------------------------+
 +git commit -a -m "Resolved merge conflict"
 +Possibly keep rebasing.
 +git rebase --continue
 git pull git pull
 </code> </code>
Line 122: Line 172:
 <code bash> <code bash>
 git pull --rebase  # --dry-run to test first git pull --rebase  # --dry-run to test first
 +====== Applying changes in a stash to a changed file =====
 +When ''git stash apply'' doesn't work: Show the stash changes and pipe that to patch. Now you have a patch you can apply.
 +git stash show -p | patch -p0
 </code> </code>
Line 166: Line 224:
 </code> </code>
-could've used gitweb but I used GitHub-like [[|gitlist]] at are: 
 +  * chose GitHub-like [[|gitlist]] for, because it works on my shared server. 
 +  * [[|cgit]] might work 
 +  * [[|gogs]] 
 +  * [[|GitWeb]] (the one built-in.
 ====== Limit scope of huge repos ====== ====== Limit scope of huge repos ======
Line 186: Line 250:
 The submodule one is an optimization for the more general: The submodule one is an optimization for the more general:
 +<code bash>
 +git submodule update --recursive  # Add --init before --recursive on first time
 +====== Submodules ======
 +[[|Demystifying git submodules]] is [[|summarized by Julia Evans in a 'zine page here]].
 +Cloning a repo doesn't download its submodules. After cloning, run:
 +<code bash>
 +git submodule update --init --recursive
 +Git pull and checkout don't update submodules. To actually update them, you have to run the following every time you switch branches or pull.
 <code bash> <code bash>
 git submodule update --recursive  # Add --init before --recursive on first time git submodule update --recursive  # Add --init before --recursive on first time
git.1675066815.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)