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cold-brew-coffee [2022/09/05 11:42] dblumecold-brew-coffee [2024/08/02 22:06] (current) dblume
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   - Cold brew for a day, swirling sometimes.   - Cold brew for a day, swirling sometimes.
   - When done brewing, for additional flavor, place the filter in a glass and allow the coffee to drain from the grounds for 45 minutes. Pour this additional concentrate (approx ½ cup) into the pitcher and shake to mix.   - When done brewing, for additional flavor, place the filter in a glass and allow the coffee to drain from the grounds for 45 minutes. Pour this additional concentrate (approx ½ cup) into the pitcher and shake to mix.
 +To serve: Pour one part concentrated coffee and one part cold water and ice. (Two fingers concentrate into Tokyo mug, two more fingers water and creamer.)
cold-brew-coffee.1662403341.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)