Little is known of Trippy prior to June, 2006.
Trippy was almost run over by Pastilla on June 17, 2006 outside a Starbucks coffee shop in Myrtletown, CA. Relating to his sad, plastic, neurotic and borderline suicidal state, she resolved to adopt him and teach him of the kindness of the world.
According to Pastilla's press agent, the rehabilitation plan for Trippy came during a venti no-fat, no-water, extra hot chai and an orange currant scone. The story is questionable, however, since orange currant scones weren't available at Starbucks until September 2006. Also, Pastilla's standard story that the lizard was at one time real is also questionable, as Pastilla LaMannequine also claims that she has, at times, been real herself, when she is quite clearly an inanimate object.
Trippy never improves.
Trippy is truly a deranged-looking lizard. His mouth is always open, and his tongue perpetually curls in different directions. One leg is shorter than the others, so he appears to travel through life on a dangerously insane tilt.
Pastilla took Trippy to the Humboldt Natural History Museum (Arcata, CA), where he was identified by a competent young museum worker as “some kind of spiny lizard.” Later that day, he attacked a dachshund, allegedly because the dog wore pink nail polish and a diamond collar.
In late December 2009 Trippy abruptly fled Humboldt County, California, USA. Unreliable bleary-eyed witless testimony suggests that as of early 2010 Trippy had taken up residence in a remote location on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Anecdotal evidence, to date unconfirmed, suggests Trippy may have previously spent time in this region during the American military presence in southeast Asia (1959 - 1975).
As of mid-2014, Trippy is serving in an administrative advisory capacity at a major technology university in Ontario, Canada.
Trippy has no theme song. And he’s bloody annoyed about it.