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vd [2023/04/10 10:27] dblumevd [2024/05/13 11:23] (current) – [Process Data] dblume
Line 45: Line 45:
 | F | Frequency table of row counts, or histogram if numeric_binning is true | | F | Frequency table of row counts, or histogram if numeric_binning is true |
 +Calculating a percentage-of-total column for a numeric column:
 +^ Key ^ Meaning ^
 +| # | Set column type to "int". |
 +| I | Describe all columns. (Highlight the "sum" cell for the column of interest.) |
 +| ~ | Convert that column to "text" so it'll be copied correctly for pasting later. |
 +| zy | Yank the value of the sum. |
 +| q | Quit the Describe sheet. |
 +| = | New column. Enter ''curcol/'', use Ctrl+y to paste the column sum value. |
 ====== Case Study Link: Exported CSV from PG&E ====== ====== Case Study Link: Exported CSV from PG&E ======
Line 119: Line 128:
   $ vd --play=my_cmdlog.vd --replay-wait=0.5   $ vd --play=my_cmdlog.vd --replay-wait=0.5
 +====== Lists in Cells for Frequency Tables ======
 +Sometimes you want one of the columns in a Frequency Table to be a list of unique values. Let's say the column title is "my_column", then:
 +^ Key ^ Meaning ^
 +| + | Set the aggregator to "List" |
 +| F | Make a Frequency Table for the selected column. (gF for selected columns) |
 +| =, ','.join(set(my_column)) | Create a new column of a comma delimited Python Set of cell entries. |
vd.1681147649.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)