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vd [2021/08/06 13:19] – [Case Study: Exported CSV from PG&E] dblumevd [2024/05/13 11:23] (current) – [Process Data] dblume
Line 25: Line 25:
 | ; | Extract regex to new column. Ex, ''(video|audio)'', ''(^..)'' or ''(^([STUVW]%%...%%|..))'' | | ; | Extract regex to new column. Ex, ''(video|audio)'', ''(^..)'' or ''(^([STUVW]%%...%%|..))'' |
 | %%^%% | rename the column. Might have to be "product_id" or "platform_id" | | %%^%% | rename the column. Might have to be "product_id" or "platform_id" |
 +| = | Use Python function to create new column. Ex, hex to dec: ''int(curcol,16)'' |
 +| : | Split column by regex |
 | - | Hide column | | - | Hide column |
 | S | Go to "Sheets" sheet, to select another sheet to format. | | S | Go to "Sheets" sheet, to select another sheet to format. |
Line 34: Line 36:
 | " | Open duplicate sheet with only selected rows | | " | Open duplicate sheet with only selected rows |
-==== Case Study: Exported CSV from PG&====+===== Inspecting Columnar Data =====
-PG&E CSVs come with 5 rows of metadata followed by TypeDateStart TimeEnd TimeUsageUnitsCostNotes columnsDelete the five rows of metadata in text editor, or use ''tail'' to remove them like so:+^ Key ^ Meaning ^ 
 +| I | Describe all columnserrorsdistinctmodemeanmedianstdevetc
 +| i | Add column of incrementing numbers (useful for '.charts) | 
 +| . | Requires an "important" numeric column for row data. Make chart. | 
 +| O | Options to enable "numeric_binning" and set number of "histogram_bins" (use 'e') | 
 +| F | Frequency table of row counts, or histogram if numeric_binning is true |
-    tail +6 pge_electric_interval_data.csv | vd -f csv - +Calculating a percentage-of-total column for a numeric column:
- +
-Then prepare your PG&E data like so:+
 ^ Key ^ Meaning ^ ^ Key ^ Meaning ^
-Hide columns TYPE, END TIME, UNITS and NOTES | +Set column type to "int". | 
-| C | Go to column mode and... | +Describe all columns. (Highlight the "sum" cell for the column of interest.) 
-Select the DATE and START TIME columns +Convert that column to "text" so it'll be copied correctly for pasting later. 
-Make a new column that merges them +zy Yank the value of the sum. | 
-q, - Quit the Column mode, hide DATE and START TIME columns | +| q | Quit the Describe sheet. | 
-| O | Go to options mode and..+| = | New column. Enter ''curcol/'', use Ctrl+y to paste the column sum value. | 
-| e | Set ''disp_date_fmt'' to ''%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'' +====== Case Study Link: Exported CSV from PG&E ====== 
-| q | Quit options mode+ 
-| @!, %, $ | Set DATE_START_TIME to date format and important, USAGE to float, COST to currency +Visit [[vd-pge]]
-| = | Add a column, enter ''COST/USAGE'', (Make it float with ''%'') | + 
-| %%^%% | Rename COST/USAGE to ''kWh cost''+====== Cast Study: Merging Two Tables, logs and metadata ======
-| . or g. | Select columns to graph them. Notice rate changes. Notice times of high use. | +
-| +, - | Navigate with hjkl, zoom in and out ([[|more]]) |+
 ==== Protip: Use column view to set multiple columns at once ==== ==== Protip: Use column view to set multiple columns at once ====
Line 125: Line 128:
   $ vd --play=my_cmdlog.vd --replay-wait=0.5   $ vd --play=my_cmdlog.vd --replay-wait=0.5
 +====== Lists in Cells for Frequency Tables ======
 +Sometimes you want one of the columns in a Frequency Table to be a list of unique values. Let's say the column title is "my_column", then:
 +^ Key ^ Meaning ^
 +| + | Set the aggregator to "List" |
 +| F | Make a Frequency Table for the selected column. (gF for selected columns) |
 +| =, ','.join(set(my_column)) | Create a new column of a comma delimited Python Set of cell entries. |
vd.1628281188.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)