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start [2022/07/31 09:13] – dblumestart [2023/12/09 22:10] (current) – dblume
Line 6: Line 6:
 I'm probably here to visit: I'm probably here to visit:
-  * [[coffee]] β˜•Β +  * πŸ“š [[private:books]]Β 
-  * [[private:books]] πŸ“šΒ +  * β˜• [[coffee]]Β 
-  * [[music]] πŸŽ΅Β +  * πŸŽžοΈ [[private:continue-watching]] listsΒ 
-  * [[private:continue-watching]] lists πŸŽžοΈΒ +  * βŽ‡ [[git]]Β 
-  * [[git]] βŽ‡Β +  * πŸŽ“ [[learn]]Β 
-  * [[learn]] πŸŽ“Β +  * πŸ§ [[linux]]Β 
-  * or my [[private:tech-questions-cplusplus]] page πŸ’» for interviews.+  * 🎡 [[music]]Β 
 +  * πŸ’» [[private:tech-questions-cplusplus]] for interviews
start.1659283993.txt.gz Β· Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)