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neovim [2024/04/08 22:43] – Remove the snap instructions dblumeneovim [2024/09/16 20:05] (current) – [cscope] dblume
Line 59: Line 59:
 Then in your init.vim, add the following snippet: Then in your init.vim, add the following snippet:
-<file vim init.vim>+<file lua init.vim>
 lua << EOF lua << EOF
-require("cscope_maps").setup()+  require('cscope_maps').setup(
 +    disable_maps = true, -- Mapping C-] to :Cstag <cword> worse than :tag <cword> 
 +-- Alternatively, if we liked the mappings, then customise these two: 
 +--    skip_input_prompt = true, 
 +--    cscope = { skip_picker_for_single_result = true }, 
 +  })
 </file> </file>
neovim.1712641397.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/08 22:43 by dblume