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neovim [2024/04/08 21:03] dblumeneovim [2024/04/08 22:43] (current) – Remove the snap instructions dblume
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 The regular ''apt-get'' repo is too out-of-date. When 0.9.5 was stable, Ubuntu 20.04 was providing 0.3 or 0.4. The regular ''apt-get'' repo is too out-of-date. When 0.9.5 was stable, Ubuntu 20.04 was providing 0.3 or 0.4.
-I could use snap on my work (Ubuntu) and personal laptop computers to get 0.9.5. (However, [[|GitHub recommends against snap for gh]], so maybe snap is problematic.) +[[|GitHub recommends against snap for gh]], and in WSL2, although I had ''snap'', it didn't work, so I [[|downloaded the tarball]]. (If you click Linux, it'll download the tarball. Otherwise [[|scroll down and find/expand "Assets"]].) Then I extracted it into $HOME/.local/bin/.
- +
-  sudo snap install nvim --classic +
-  ln -s /snap/bin/nvim $HOME/.local/bin/nvim +
- +
-But in WSL2, although I had ''snap'', it didn't work, so I [[|downloaded the tarball]]. (If you click Linux, it'll download the tarball. Otherwise [[|scroll down and find/expand "Assets"]].) Then I extracted it into $HOME/.local/bin/.+
   cd ~/.local/bin/   cd ~/.local/bin/
neovim.1712635428.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/08 21:03 by dblume