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linux [2024/04/23 23:01] – Slow down vertical scrolling from 15 to 40 dblumelinux [2024/04/27 00:13] (current) dblume
Line 74: Line 74:
 I put the krita appimage in ''/usr/local/bin'', the .desktop in ''$HOME/.local/share/applications'', and a 256x256 .png in ''/usr/share/pixmaps''. The .png is untested. I put the krita appimage in ''/usr/local/bin'', the .desktop in ''$HOME/.local/share/applications'', and a 256x256 .png in ''/usr/share/pixmaps''. The .png is untested.
 +===== DejaVu Sans for Powerline Font =====
 +First install the Powerline Font:
 +  git clone --filter=blob:none -b master --single-branch
 +  cd fonts
 +  ./ "DejaVu Sans"
 +Then your terminal emulator can use it.
 ===== i3 ===== ===== i3 =====
 The [[|i3 Window Manager]]. The [[|i3 Window Manager]].
 +==== Install Alacritty ====
 +gnome-terminal won't distinguish between C-i and Tab, so [[|install a terminal emulator that can, like Alacritty]], and set TERMINAL in .bashrc for i3-sensible-terminal to use.
 ==== Configuration ==== ==== Configuration ====
linux.1713938463.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/23 23:01 by dblume