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linux [2023/12/09 13:12] – [Image/Photo Editors] dblumelinux [2024/04/27 00:13] (current) dblume
Line 11: Line 11:
   sudo apt install exuberant-ctags cscope moreutils   sudo apt install exuberant-ctags cscope moreutils
-Now that you have vim and git:+Now that you have vim and git, get [[|your dotfiles]]:
   git clone ssh://   git clone ssh://
Line 21: Line 21:
   sudo apt install tmux entr   sudo apt install tmux entr
   tmux   tmux
-  sudo apt install curl jq tree expect gnuplot httpie visidata+  sudo apt install curl jq tree expect gnuplot httpie visidata ripgrep at
   sudo apt install python3-pip   sudo apt install python3-pip
   python3 -m pip install matplotlib   python3 -m pip install matplotlib
Line 63: Line 63:
 ^ App ^ Online ^ Notes ^ ^ App ^ Online ^ Notes ^
-| -> **[[|pixlr]]** | Online | Good  image editor. Pretty intuitive. | +| -> **[[|pixlr]]** | Online | Good  image editor. Pretty intuitive. No arrows. | 
-| [[|Photopea]] | Online | An also-ran editor. Width is limited to a narrow max. |+| [[|Photopea]] | Online | Has arrows. Width is limited to a narrow max. |
 | [[|Excalidraw]] | Online | Pretty great diagram drawing tools. Not a photo editor, but making a note here. | | [[|Excalidraw]] | Online | Pretty great diagram drawing tools. Not a photo editor, but making a note here. |
-| **-> [[|Krita]]** | Local | Promising image editor. |+| **-> [[|Krita]]** | Local | Promising image editor. Arrows in vector layer. Draw line then change properties. |
 | [[|Gimp]] | Local | The huge standard. GNU Photoshop. More than I usually need. | | [[|Gimp]] | Local | The huge standard. GNU Photoshop. More than I usually need. |
-| [[|Pinta]] | Local | Inspired by an old version of Paint.NET. Installed, but unsure. |+| [[|Pinta]] | Local | Inspired by an old version of Paint.NET. Installed, but unsure. Arrows are easy. |
Line 74: Line 74:
 I put the krita appimage in ''/usr/local/bin'', the .desktop in ''$HOME/.local/share/applications'', and a 256x256 .png in ''/usr/share/pixmaps''. The .png is untested. I put the krita appimage in ''/usr/local/bin'', the .desktop in ''$HOME/.local/share/applications'', and a 256x256 .png in ''/usr/share/pixmaps''. The .png is untested.
 +===== DejaVu Sans for Powerline Font =====
 +First install the Powerline Font:
 +  git clone --filter=blob:none -b master --single-branch
 +  cd fonts
 +  ./ "DejaVu Sans"
 +Then your terminal emulator can use it.
 ===== i3 ===== ===== i3 =====
 The [[|i3 Window Manager]]. The [[|i3 Window Manager]].
 +==== Install Alacritty ====
 +gnome-terminal won't distinguish between C-i and Tab, so [[|install a terminal emulator that can, like Alacritty]], and set TERMINAL in .bashrc for i3-sensible-terminal to use.
 ==== Configuration ==== ==== Configuration ====
Line 97: Line 112:
 xinput set-prop "PIXA3854:00 093A:0274 Touchpad" "libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled" 1 xinput set-prop "PIXA3854:00 093A:0274 Touchpad" "libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled" 1
 xinput set-prop "PIXA3854:00 093A:0274 Touchpad" "libinput Tapping Drag Lock Enabled" 1 xinput set-prop "PIXA3854:00 093A:0274 Touchpad" "libinput Tapping Drag Lock Enabled" 1
 +xinput set-prop "PIXA3854:00 093A:0274 Touchpad" "libinput Scrolling Pixel Distance" 40
 </file> </file>
Line 144: Line 160:
 gtk-decoration-layout=:menu gtk-decoration-layout=:menu
 </file> </file>
 +==== Wi-Fi and Network Management ====
 +GUI: "Advanced Network Configuration"
 +    nm-connection-editor &
 +    nmtui
 +==== Suspend and Hibernation ====
 +A note on battery life. batteries work best at charges between 80% and 30%. I went into BIOS ([[|pressing F2 on start up]]) and set maximum charge to 90%.
 +Suspend worked out of the box. See This PSA from [[|Linux Suspend and AMD Reminder]]. Per that PSA and [[|[TRACKING] Linux Battery Life tuning]], I ran [[|]]. It ended with:
 +🚦 RTC driver `rtc_cmos` configured to use ACPI alarm
 +Explanations for your system
 +🚦 rtc_cmos is not configured to use ACPI alarm
 + Some problems can occur during wakeup cycles if the HPET RTC emulation is used to
 + wake systems. This can manifest in unexpected wakeups or high power consumption.
 +For more information on this failure see:
 +So per the third link above, I [[|added a kernel boot parameter]] by editing /etc/default/grub like so:
 +<file bash /etc/default/grub>
 +GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash rtc_cmos.use_acpi_alarm=1"
 +And then I ran ''sudo update-grub'' per the file's instructions.
 +Enable suspend-then-hibernate. To hibernate, [[|you need swap to be as big as RAM, then update GRUB]]. (32GiB in my case.) You may also have to [[|disable Secure Boot]].
 +I had a 2GiB /swapfile, and this is how I resized it:
 +<code bash>
 +~$ sudo swapoff /swapfile 
 +~$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile count=32K bs=1M
 +~$ sudo mkswap /swapfile 
 +~$ sudo swapon /swapfile
 +Then it became time to update the kernel boot params again with the UUID of the volume with the swapfile, and the physical offset of the swapfile.
 +<code bash>
 +$ blkid
 +/dev/nvme0n1p2: UUID="de9f6aca-85a1-461b-b8b8-15f44441f64d" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="121db783-104a-4138-b7c2-c0451ab10454"
 +$ sudo filefrag -v /swapfile | head
 +Filesystem type is: ef53
 +File size of /swapfile is 34359738368 (8388608 blocks of 4096 bytes)
 + ext:     logical_offset:        physical_offset: length:   expected: flags:
 +   0:        0..    2047:    1257472..   1259519:   2048:            
 +That means, in my case, I add this to ''/etc/default/grub'''s ''GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT''.
 +resume=UUID=de9f6aca-85a1-461b-b8b8-15f44441f64d resume_offset=1257472
 +Don't forget to ''sudo update-grub''.
 +Then I enabled this line in 
 +<file bash /etc/systemd/logind.conf>   
 +Everything is still commented out in ''/etc/systemd/sleep.conf'' (Also see [[|suspend drains battery]]). May need to turn some of those lines on.
 ==== Future Config Tips ==== ==== Future Config Tips ====
linux.1702156364.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/09 13:12 by dblume