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 ====== People to Donate to ====== ====== People to Donate to ======
-* [[|Nicky Case]]: amazing instructive posts about how the world works... trust, mental health, news cycles +  * [[|Nicky Case]]: amazing instructive posts about how the world works... trust, mental health, news cycles 
-* [[|Bartosz Ciechanowski]]: amazing instructive posts about how the world works, Bicycle, GPS, Internal Combustion Engines +  * [[|Bartosz Ciechanowski]]: amazing instructive posts about how the world works, Bicycle, GPS, Internal Combustion Engines 
-* [[|Julia Evans]] ([[|b0rk]]): amazing instructive posts and zines about how tech things work+  * [[|Julia Evans]] ([[|b0rk]]): amazing instructive posts and zines about how tech things work 
 +  * [[|Neal Agarwal]] Similar to Nicky Case
donate.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/20 16:33 by dblume