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clock [2021/10/28 18:30] – created dblumeclock [2023/04/12 20:44] (current) – external edit
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 > The quickest cure would be to reseal the interiorof teh case - completely. I'd suggest an aerosol shellac. Once the case is sealed, the smell of smoke will be gone. > The quickest cure would be to reseal the interiorof teh case - completely. I'd suggest an aerosol shellac. Once the case is sealed, the smell of smoke will be gone.
 +  * Murphy's Oil and Soap (or paint thinner, won't hurt finish)
 +[[|Saving Fire Damaged Furniture]] has a list of things to buy.
 +  * Pour Mixwax or Formby's furniture refinisher in a quart cup. I filled it about 1/2 full.
 +  * Rub with 0000 steel wool with grain
 +  * Then apply Howard Feed-N-Wax
 +Next, place the steel wool in the cup and let sit for a few minutes.
 +[[|How to clean wood furniture after a fire]].
 +  * Mix 1 cup ammonia with 1 cup water. Use cloth
 +  * Mix 1 gallon of hot water with 2 tbsp. turpentine and 4 tbsp. linseed oil. Use the hottest water that your hands can handle.
 +[[|What do professionals use to clean smoke damage]]
 +  * (No) Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) (Hazardous, small amount heavily diluted)
 +[[|How to Remove Soot from Wood Surfaces]].
 +  * (No) In extreme situations, you can use a weak dilution of Unsmoke Degrease-All. Rinse well after cleaning. (Sold by the gallon)
clock.1635471033.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)