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belief-system-of-republicans [2021/05/27 22:26] dblumebelief-system-of-republicans [2025/01/06 12:55] (current) dblume
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 ====== The Belief System of Conservatives ====== ====== The Belief System of Conservatives ======
-This comment seems to have been [[|removed from a Reddit thread]]. I think it was written by [[|u/Kni7es]].+This Reddit comment by [[|u/Kni7es]] is archived here with their permission. Kni7es had [[|these thoughts on the comment's removal at Reddit]]. 
 +**Edit**: This Twitter thread on [[|Republican messaging]] touches on a similar idea of the belief in a natural hierarchy of people which determines which direction influence should flow. 
 +**Edit Edit**: This is insightful too: Brian Werdmuller's [[|Being more like Republicans]]. "We are in a systemic fight, and so most people want a fighter." 
 This is a meta problem that liberals, leftists, and the Democratic party especially have a huge problem with. We don't understand Republicans because they do not think or behave like we do on a very fundamental level. It's why we've been blindsided by them for decades, and it puts us at a strategic disadvantage. Uncovering this mystery is necessary for future electoral success and the survival of our Republic as we know it. This is a meta problem that liberals, leftists, and the Democratic party especially have a huge problem with. We don't understand Republicans because they do not think or behave like we do on a very fundamental level. It's why we've been blindsided by them for decades, and it puts us at a strategic disadvantage. Uncovering this mystery is necessary for future electoral success and the survival of our Republic as we know it.
belief-system-of-republicans.1622179592.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)