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about [2024/12/02 17:33] (current) – [Jack Jackrum] dblume
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 +===== About This Wiki =====
 +This wiki was originally installed to compare different wiki implementations.  I found that dokuwiki is my favorite, and I'll probably not uninstall this.
 +===== Terms =====
 +To be able to add or edit pages, you have to register. To register, please send an email to <> with your preferred username, and I'd be happy to add you. (I used to have self-registration enabled, but began having a problem with spammers.)
 +===== Installations =====
 +^ Date       ^ Version           ^ Notes ^
 +| 2006-02-08 | developer release | Original installation. |
 +| 2006-11-06 | release           | Updated. |
 +| 2011-04-22 | "Rincewind RC1"   | Fresh install in new directory, moved data files over. |
 +| 2012-01-25 | "Angua"           | [[doku>install:upgrade]] done on a duplicate directory, then moved into deployment. |
 +| 2021-05-20 | "Hogfather"       | Fresh install on side, copied data/pages and data/media over, losing history. |
 +| 2023-04-12 | "Jack Jackrum"    | For PHP 8.2, [[doku>install:upgrade]] done on a duplicate directory, then moved into deployment. |
 +===== Customizations =====
 +==== Pre-Angua ====
 +Here are which changed I made, and which plugins I used to create this wiki:
 +  * The [[doku>plugin:sidebarng|sidebarng plugin]]. With certain CSS improvements: I made the sidebar units ems and set a constant width to the sidebar in ems.  Now user sizing is better supported, and expanding the width of the page doesn't waste space in the sidebar.  Also, had to remove the css clear attribute from some other elements (H1, %%TOC%%, etc.) )
 +    * Note: I originally used this [[|Sidebar Template]] and [[sidebar:sidebar-css-bug|made adjustments]].
 +  * Added the image in the [[doku>tips:image-in-the-upper-right-corner|corner]] of the page.
 +    * Had to adjust an .htaccess in the path to the logo.png.
 +  * Added a [[|mobile style]], which meant adding a style to lib/tpl/sidebar, and the following lines in main.php:
 +<file html>
 +    <meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true" />
 +    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, user-scalable=no" />
 +    <link rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and (max-device-width: 599px)"
 +          type="text/css" href="<?php echo DOKU_TPL?>arctic_mobile.css" />
 +  * Using the [[doku>plugin:indexmenu]] plugin.
 +  * Got rid of the licenseok warning in inc/html.php
 +  * Added the [[doku>plugin:xbr]] plugin, with danny0838's suggested "trim()" edit.
 +design.css had the **ordered lists style** changed:
 +<code css>
 +ol {list-style-type: decimal}
 +ol ol {list-style-type: upper-alpha}
 +ol ol ol {list-style-type: lower-alpha}
 +ol ol ol ol {list-style-type: lower-roman}
 +**Note**: Older versions of IE don't support the -greek styles.
 +In order for robots to be able to find sitemap.xml.gz at the top level, I added the following rule to .htaccess:
 +RewriteRule ^sitemap.xml.gz$          doku.php?do=sitemap  [L]
 +==== Angua ====
 +I had to do the following for the Media Manager:
 +  * Made style.ini conform to changes in default/style.ini
 +  * Added ''tpl_button('media')'' to main.php
 +  * Copied the missing images over from default/images
 +  * Copied some missing _xxx.css files over from default/
 +==== Hogfather ====
 +Did a full install because DreamHost is deprecating old PHP installations, and I am updated 9yo software. Chose the default theme and its built-in sidebar template. (**Update**: It turns out the old installation would've kept working with newer PHP if I'd turned off Extra Web Security at DreamHost. See [[dreamhost-extra-security]].)
 +  * Changed Wiki width from 75em to 99% (100% causes a horizontal scrollbar.)
 +  * Changed sidebar from 16em to 10em. (But this also affects the Table of Contents, so see next bullet.)
 +  * ./lib/tpl/dokuwiki/css/content.less:287, set width to 18em, not @ini_sidebar_width;
 +  * ./lib/tpl/dokuwiki/tpl_header.php:28, removed "<span>'.$conf['title'].'</span>" from the header.
 +  * Had to re-install [[doku>plugin:xbr]], and manually set **''%%'xbr'%%''** as the [[doku>config:renderer_xhtml]] in configuration setting (via the admin panel).
 +==== Jack Jackrum ====
 +Followed the [[doku>install:upgrade]] instructions on the side, then copied all the "DXB" changes (with vimdiff) from the Hogfather instance over. Added the [[doku>plugin:htmlok]] plugin for [[trippy:an_introduction]].
 +$ grep -nrI DXB .
 +./lib/plugins/xbr/renderer.php:32:        // DXB DCB: The following code from danny0838's suggested “trim()” edit
 +./lib/tpl/dokuwiki/tpl_header.php:28:// DXB                '<img src="'.$logo.'" '.$logoSize[3].' alt="" /> <span>'.$conf['title'].'</span>',
 +./lib/tpl/dokuwiki/css/content.less:287:    /* DXB width: @ini_sidebar_width; */
 +./lib/tpl/dokuwiki/css/pagetools.less:14:    padding-left: 10px; /* DXB was 40px */
 +./lib/tpl/dokuwiki/css/structure.less:56:       /* DXB was 0 1.5em 0 0 */
 +Also [[|removed the link icons]].
 +==== Notes ====
 +Consider new template: [[doku>template:minimal]] as mentioned [[|at Mastodon]].
about.1621981235.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)