My Framework is an AMD Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS.
Download the appropriate package from the Releases Repo. Then install (or update) locally:
sudo dpkg -i ./ghostty_1.1.2-0.ppa1_amd64_22.04.deb
Consider reading r/Zig How I configure ghostty.
The following config eases me in from my iTerm2 settings. Still exploring themes.
# # #theme = "Builtin Pastel Dark" #theme = "iTerm2 Pastel Dark Background" #theme = "Hardcore" #theme = "GitHub Dark" #theme = "Kanagawa Dragon" <-- hard no #theme = "Kolorit" #theme = "LiquidCarbonTransparent" #theme = "MaterialDarker" #theme = "mellow" #theme = "Monokai Pro Spectrum" theme = "catppuccin-mocha" #theme = "SpaceGray Eighties" # Esp for catppuccin-mocha, esp rokulog files palette = 6=#74d0c0 # This foreground override is esp for SpaceGray Eighties #foreground = dddace # For Monokai Pro Spectrum #background = 141618 # for catppuccin-mocha background = 1a1c1e font-family = "Roboto Mono for Powerline" font-thicken = true window-height = 86 window-width = 120 # Similar solid block cursor to iTerm2 cursor-style-blink = false shell-integration-features = no-cursor # consider #copy-on-select = clipboard
Per ghostty terminfo page, if you run into a missing or unsuitable terminal: xterm-ghostty
error, you can:
infocmp -x | ssh YOUR-SERVER -- tic -x -
to export the terminfo entry from your host and import it on the remote machine.