====== Telnet Tips ======
===== Tee Telnet Output to a Unique File =====
Note the use of $@ vs "$*" in the next function that automatically saves an archive of a telnet session. Also note that I remove spaces and colons. (Colons because they screw with opening files directly at line numbers).
telnet_log() {
curtime=$(date -Iseconds | tr : .)
args=$(echo "$*" | tr ' ' '_')
telnet $@ | tee $HOME/telnetlog/$args\_${curtime::-5}.log
last_telnet_log() {
ls -d1t $HOME/telnetlog/* | head -n 1
Of course if you do that, you'll want to occasionally (via cronjob?) delete old archives.
find $HOME/telnetlog/ -type f -mtime +6 -delete
===== Transfer a file by issuing a Remote Telnet Command =====
Netcat (nc) send the file locally, and nc receive the file at the remote device.
function flash-roku
nc -w 5 $target $port < $filename &
{ echo \
"cd /tmp && nc -l -p $port > tempfile.txt && " \
"tail tempfile.txt"; \
sleep 10; } | telnet $target
===== Branching in Expect on whether a remote file exists =====
send "ls --color=never $FNAME\r"
expect {
-re "\n$FNAME" {
expect ":/ #"
send "stat $FNAME\r"
expect ":/ #"
send "echo $FNAME was already there.\r"
"No such file or directory" {
expect ":/ #"
send "ls ~\r"
expect ":/ #"
send "echo $FNAME was not there.\r"
expect ":/ #"
Keywords: telnet, linux, nc, netcat