====== Resume or Bio ====== Here are some external links that have to do with either resumes or biographies. [[http://the99percent.com/tips/7025/The-Resume-Is-Dead-The-Bio-Is-King|The Resume is Dead the Bio is King]].\\ [[http://flowingdata.com/2012/04/11/how-recruiters-look-at-your-resume/|How recruiters look at your resume]]. ====== Example Resumes ====== I think these are neat. [[http://www.teamten.com/lawrence/resume.html|Lawrence Kesteloot's resume]] Not to mention that his page on [[http://www.teamten.com/lawrence/projects/shortest_ray_tracer/|the shortest ray tracer]] looks fun! [[http://worrydream.com/|Bret Victor's resume and bio]].