====== Projects ====== This is a page of more long-term projects. Stuff that I'm currently working on would be either at the [[:todo]] page or at one of my [[http://task.dlma.com/tasks.php?u=david|task list]] accounts. Let's see that in a hierarchy for visual emphasis: ^ Projects | [[start|projects:start]] | ^ Potential Projects | [[projects:potential projects]] | ^ Tasks | [[:todo]] | ^ Work | [[http://task.dlma.com/tasks.php?u=david|task list]] | The chart below is roughly sorted in descending order of feature importance. ^ Color Codes ^^^^^ |
No Activity
At Risk
Some Risk
| ^ Project ^ Updated ^ Condition ^ | Landing Page | 03-15-2010 |
| | IMDB.dlma | 03-15-2010 |
| | OpenTape and MuxScrobbler | 03-15-2010 |
Not yet started.
| | PyChallenge | 09-08-2006 |
No activity for months.
| | FeedMaker | 19-09-2006 | Completed. | ===== Backup Script ===== I'm using rsync as per this: [[private:backup|Backup Page]]. ===== MineHunt UI ===== And then there's a vague idea somewhere, to update the [[http://home.dlma.com/Download/Minehunt.html|minehunt screensaver]] with more geeky info. Something along the lines of ensuring that whenever there's a next move waiting in the queue, ensure that the closest one to the current position is chosen... ===== Python Challenge ===== Must... keep... making... progress... {{:projects:pythonchallenge.py.txt}} {{indexmenu>.}} ===== AJAX ===== Need to learn how to arbitrarily order items in SQL. (When inserting?) Investigate Google Web Toolkit for Ajax (vs. Prototype) Drag-and-Drop: Investigate Chapter 15 of Ajax Design Patterns.