====== Mechanical Keyboard ====== I may have to find a new keyboard after Microsoft's Natural Ergonomic Keyboards are gone. (Supposedly [[https://www.incase.com/pages/incase-designed-by-microsoft|Onward Brands' "incase" will pick them up in 2024]].) I wrote to Jose Soltren in 2021: > I need a split keyboard, and just discovered there's a wiki at Reddit that mentions a mechanical split keyboard that's in the neighborhood of what my wrists need, the **[[https://cloudnineergo.com/products/cloud-nine-c989m-ergonomic-keyboard|Cloud Nine C989M ErgoFS]]** or ErgoTKL. A similar keyboard to the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic 4000 is [[https://www.logitech.com/en-us/products/keyboards/k860-split-ergonomic.920-009166.html|Logitech ERGO K860]]. Logitech now has [[https://www.logitech.com/en-us/products/keyboards/wave-keys-ergonomic-wireless.920-011898.html|Wave Keys]]. And this Redditor make a note of their upgrade [[https://www.reddit.com/r/ErgoMechKeyboards/comments/17qbpa1/i_think_i_finally_found_a_mechanical_replacement/|I think I finally found a mechanical replacement for my Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 and Surface Ergonomic Keyboard]]. The [[https://perixx.com/products/periboard-835|Perixx PERIBOARD-835]] (835 preferred but also the older 335/535).