====== BrightScript ======
Here are some BrightScript tips.
===== tags =====
Make [[https://www.perturb.org/display/1135_Adding_ctags_support_for_BrightScript.html|tags more useful with BrightScript support]]. What follows is the same, but with the necessary case-insensitive support.
Add this to your $HOME/.ctags file.
--regex-BrightScript=/^function[ \t]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/f,function/i
--regex-BrightScript=/^sub[ \t]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/\1/s,sub/i
--regex-BrightScript=/^[ \t]*(\w+) ?=/\1/v,variable/
Then, run ctags from the channel's main directory like so:
set -eu -o pipefail # See: https://sipb.mit.edu/doc/safe-shell/
# Make the tags file at the project root
ctags -n --if0=yes --c++-kinds=+p --file-tags=yes -R \
--links=no --extra=fq \
# Append to it symbols from the BrightScript SDK
ctags --append=yes -n --if0=yes --c++-kinds=+p --file-tags=yes -R \
--links=no --extra=fq \
../../../dev/Netflix/Include # \
# ../../../dev/Netflix/Scripting
# Then do the tags in /source and its subdirectories
find . -mindepth 1 \
'(' -path '*/images' ')' -prune \
-or '(' -type d ')' -print | while read i
pushd "$i" 1> /dev/null
ctags -n --if0=yes --c++-kinds=+p --file-tags=yes -R \
--links=no --extra=fq
popd 1> /dev/null
# Finally, there'll be empty tags files, unlink those
# find . -name tags -size -2 -mtime -1 -print | xargs rm
find . -name tags -size -2 -mtime -1 -delete
===== Sublime Text 3 =====
On a Windows system, here's a template Sublime project:
"name": "Zip",
"working_dir": "$project_path",
"windows": {
"cmd": "\"C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe\" a -tzip \"$project_base_name.zip\" manifest source/*.* images"
"osx": {
"shell_cmd": "zip \"$project_base_name.zip\" manifest source/*.* images/*.*"
"linux": {
"shell_cmd": "zip \"$project_base_name.zip\" manifest source/*.* images/*.*"
"path": ".",
==== Syntax Highlighting ====
BrightScript Language Definition Bundle for Sublime Text 2 is available here: [[https://github.com/cmink/BrightScript.tmbundle|cmink/BrightScript.tmbundle]]
Once you've git cloned the project, remove the extra git-only files, and zip it up to BrightScript.sublime-package.
$ rm TODO
$ rm .gitignore
$ rm -rf .git
$ cd ..
$ zip BrightScript.sublime-package BrightScript.tmbundle/*
===== Vim =====
Add [[https://github.com/chooh/brightscript.vim|BrightScript syntax hightlighting in vim]]. (ftdetect/ and syntax/ go in your $HOME/.vim/ subdirectory.)