# # For ASCII on one full screen # set term dumb `tput cols` `tput lines`*9/10 # Or, if you have gnuplot 6.0 and are using Deja Vu font, then... #set term block braille size `tput cols`,`tput lines`*9/10 # # For a PNG file. # # Launch in WSL: explorer.exe gnuplot.png # Launch in Linux: gio open gnuplot.png # #set term png size 1600,800; set output 'gnuplot.png' # # Set your X axis format # set timefmt '%Y-%m-%d' #set timefmt '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' set xdata time set xlabel 'Date' set xtics "1992-01-01", 2629746 # start, increment in seconds #set ylabel 'Value' # # If you need to control tics or range # #set ytic 2 #set yrange [0:9] # # sep is whitespace by default. Set to ',' for csv # set datafile sep ',' set key autotitle columnhead # use the first line as title firstrow = system('head -1 '.f. ' | tr "_," "- "') set xlabel word(firstrow, 1) set ylabel word(firstrow, 2) # # Plot which columns which ways. # # lines, points, linespoints # #plot f using 1:4 with lines, f using 1:3 with linespoints #plot f using 1:2 with lines, f using 1:3 with linespoints title 'Legend 2' plot f using 1:2 with linespoints