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 +====== Computer Camp ======
 +{{ trippy:trippycomputercamping.jpg }}
 +From March 3rd 2007 through March ?th 2007, Trippy visits Silicon Valley for Computer Camp.  ([[|Photo journal]] at flickr.)
 +Note:  Companies //hate// impromptu visits from photographers.  Every one of these excursions turned into an escape from security forces.
 +===== Itinerary =====
 +(Photos to be submitted to flickr later...)
 +==== Monday March 5, 2007 ====
 +Trippy attempted an impromptu visit with [[|Clarus]].  Sadly nobody at Apple knows where Clarus went.  Few knew who Clarus even was.  David cried.  Trippy was escorted out of the building by security.
 +[[|Packard's Garage]]
 +The birthplace of Silicon Valley is a wonderfully quaint little garage on a charming little street.  Miracles can happen anywhere.
 +==== Wednesday March 7, 2007 ====
 +On Computer Camp's second excursion day, we visited Google and Yahoo. 
 +Note, [[,+94089&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=16&om=1|Google can't map]] [[|Yahoo's address]]. (Even though they're like two miles apart. Sheesh.))
 +Google is everything they said it was. Utopia! Not only that, they brought in a family member for Trippy, to make him feel even more welcome. After the reunion, Trippy enjoyed a nice swim. This was Trippy's favorite visit.
 +Poor Yahoo. Nothing could follow Google. Yahoo is right next to a top secret Lockheed Martin facility, where they flew UFOs around for Trippy. But Trippy just watched it all with a glazed expression. He was unmoved.
 +==== Tentatively Planned ====
 +  * Xerox Parc (probably not)
 +  * Intel (probably not)
 +  * nVidia
 +  * Faultline or