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trippy:an_introduction [2014/10/26 00:43] – [The Groves of Academe] daviddtrippy:an_introduction [2023/04/12 20:44] (current) – external edit
Line 88: Line 88:
 ==== The Groves of Academe ==== ==== The Groves of Academe ====
-As of mid-2014, Trippy is serving in an administrative advisory capacity at a major "tech" university in Ontario, Canada.+As of mid-2014, Trippy is serving in an administrative advisory capacity at a major technology university in Ontario, Canada.
 ===== "The Trippy Song" ===== ===== "The Trippy Song" =====
Line 122: Line 122:
   * International Travel Expert: [[|Drinking Imperial Pilsner in Costa Rica]]   * International Travel Expert: [[|Drinking Imperial Pilsner in Costa Rica]]
 +  * International Travel Expert: [[| Hukilau Beach]]
-  * International Travel Expert:[[|LifeHacker: Frequent Flier Miles]] (September 2012)+  * International Travel Expert: [[|LifeHacker: Frequent Flier Miles]] (September 2012
 +  * Respected Authority Figure: [[|The Write Practice: Writing Goals]] (November 2012) 
 +  * International Travel Expert: [[|Map Happy: Changing a Flight]] (December 2013) 
 +  * International Travel Expert: [[|The Manual - Essential Guide for Men: Best International Beers]] (July 2014) 
 +  * International Travel Expert: [[|Huffington Post: Top Ten Elvis Tribute Sites]] (January 2015) 
 +  * Respected Authority Figure: [[|Knowledge Stew: Completely Useless Facts]] (April 2015) 
 +  * International Travel Expert: [[|USA Today: Frequent Flier Miles]] (July 2015) 
 +  * Highly Qualified Life Coach: [[|The Daily Dot: 50 Things to Do (#15)]] (February 2016) 
 +  * International Travel Expert: [[|Only In Your State: Ten Charming Alaska River Towns]] (April 2016) 
 +  * International Travel Expert: [[|Only In Your State: Eleven Things No Self-Respecting Arizonan Would Ever Do]] (March 2017) 
 +  * International Travel Expert: [[|The Weirdest Town in America]] (May 2017) 
 +  * International Travel Expert: [[|Only In Your State: The Longest Tunnel in America]] (August 2017)
 ===== Video games ===== ===== Video games =====
trippy/an_introduction.1414309387.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)