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todo [2012/04/04 09:53] – [Location Service] dblumetodo [2023/04/12 20:44] (current) – external edit
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 ====== To Do ====== ====== To Do ======
 +Slightly bigger:
 +  * Learn about [[|Bootstrap]].
 +  * Learn about [[|dropbox-js]].
   * Install a [[|FreeNAS server]].  (Mike mentioned old Infrant ReadyNAS and QNAP.)   * Install a [[|FreeNAS server]].  (Mike mentioned old Infrant ReadyNAS and QNAP.)
   * Blog about the dream on vacation: "You are not wanted here. Go away." Mention favorite songs? Peaches? Rest for Wicked?  Or maybe, "The cameras want to see it."   * Blog about the dream on vacation: "You are not wanted here. Go away." Mention favorite songs? Peaches? Rest for Wicked?  Or maybe, "The cameras want to see it."
 +  * Russell Beattie did an Amazon talk on HTML5 Mobile Apps. See the source code [[|here]].
 +  * Ted is using Angular instead of jQuery. "It's incredible. We love it. We've been slaving away with jQuery / Backbone for a long time before switching."
 ===== Location Service ===== ===== Location Service =====
Line 9: Line 15:
   * Optimize writes. (Maybe copy original file, then open copy with w+?)   * Optimize writes. (Maybe copy original file, then open copy with w+?)
-  * Add support for URLs of the form ?t=1333556881 [[|GET parameters in Javascript]] 
-<code python> 
-import cgi 
-print "Content-Type: text/html" 
-cgi_fields = cgi.FieldStorage() 
-for i in cgi_fields.keys(): 
-    print "%s -> %s<br />" % ( i, cgi_fields[i] ) 
-**Test Data corresponding to ?t=1333556881** 
-<code javascript> 
-{"past":[new google.maps.LatLng(37.458023,-121.908165), new google.maps.LatLng(37.437016,-121.919182), new google.maps.LatLng(37.420177,-121.924469), new google.maps.LatLng(37.420067,-121.964455), new google.maps.LatLng(37.401611,-122.028145)], 
-"past_str":["I was here about an hour ago.", "I was here about an hour ago.", "I was here about an hour ago.", "I was here about an hour ago.", "I was here about an hour ago."], 
-"future":[new google.maps.LatLng(37.390911,-122.029518), new google.maps.LatLng(37.388912,-122.036926), new google.maps.LatLng(37.386475,-122.042130), new google.maps.LatLng(37.401272,-122.068802)], 
-"future_str":["I will be here in about 28 minutes, around 9:55am.", "I will be here in about four hours, around 1:24pm.", "I will be here in about six hours, around 3:45pm.", "I will be here in about six hours, around 3:49pm."], 
-"text":"I was here about an hour ago.", 
-"clue":"Added 6 rows in 1.711s. OpenPaths took 1.629s. Removed 18 points. Used one week history. Prediction took 0.015s."} 
-===== Exit Strategies ===== 
-  * Maybe migrate delicious to [[|pinboard]] 
-  * Maybe migrate from flickr to picasaweb or smugmug or 
-  * Archive livejournal posts 
-Maybe use [[]] to search them all? 
 ===== Blogs ===== ===== Blogs =====
-  * Add a "[[|Respond Privately]]" or email link after comments get closed. 
-  * Consider that mobile style used by Leigh Reyes and Milkypink.  Do something like that. 
   * Blog about: [[,1|Building the factory next to the gold mine]].   * Blog about: [[,1|Building the factory next to the gold mine]].
-  * Blog about the making of the [[|TechCrunch Filter Feed]]. 
   * Blog about the Life Unexamined.  Maybe reference [[|some links here]].   * Blog about the Life Unexamined.  Maybe reference [[|some links here]].
   * Block about [[|this metaphor of software development strategies]], farming vs. mining.   * Block about [[|this metaphor of software development strategies]], farming vs. mining.
Line 54: Line 27:
   * [[|Why Johnny Can't Search]]   * [[|Why Johnny Can't Search]]
   * [[|The Joy of Quiet]] There are some excellent quotes here.   * [[|The Joy of Quiet]] There are some excellent quotes here.
 +  * [[|We're creating a culture of distraction]], maybe this in combination with one or two links above?
 +  * [[|After X years programming]] Dave Winer writes why he loves programming, and so does Amir in [[|Programming is an Art]].
 +  * Compare the thinking in [[|How Millenials Watch TV]] to the thinking of owning a Kscape system. Especially those who'll never see classics like Ermo.
 ===== Back Burner ===== ===== Back Burner =====
-  * Upload mentos+soda video 
-  * Upload fraps video of Minecraft worlds 
-  * Add Python cronjob daemon template to [[|cloud9]] 
-  * Visualizations: Check out that awesome HTML5 visualization from colleague. 
-  * Consider replacing imdbphp with [[|imdbpy]]. 
   * Investigate [[|Awesome Notes]] and [[|Instapaper]] and [[|Taskpaper]].   * Investigate [[|Awesome Notes]] and [[|Instapaper]] and [[|Taskpaper]].
-  * Mobile Dokuwiki: See if I can disable plugin sidebarng based on the value of [[|$INFO['ismobile']]], and make other mobile stylesheet customizations. 
   * Keep reading [[|Dive into HTML5]]   * Keep reading [[|Dive into HTML5]]
todo.1333558418.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)