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todo [2011/08/20 16:31] dblumetodo [2023/04/12 20:44] (current) – external edit
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 ====== To Do ====== ====== To Do ======
-  * Finish the dead-man's switch (use AtomPub for Habari, WP; OAuth for Twitter, PlurkAPI) +Slightly bigger:
-  * LifestreamGoogle+ Plusfeed source: +
-  * iPhone games to invetigate: Dungeon Raid, Tiny Tower, Bejeweled Blitz +
-  * Make Maddie's Minecraft movie +
-  * Add Python cronjob daemon template to [[|cloud9]] +
-  * Use the saved iPhone tracking database to make a predictor. [[]] +
-  * Upload mentos+soda video +
-  * Upload fraps video of Minecraft worlds+
-===== Google+ Feed =====+  * Learn about [[|Bootstrap]]. 
 +  * Learn about [[|dropbox-js]]. 
 +  * Install a [[|FreeNAS server]].  (Mike mentioned old Infrant ReadyNAS and QNAP.) 
 +  * Blog about the dream on vacation: "You are not wanted here. Go away." Mention favorite songs? Peaches? Rest for Wicked?  Or maybe, "The cameras want to see it." 
 +  * Russell Beattie did an Amazon talk on HTML5 Mobile Apps. See the source code [[|here]]. 
 +  * Ted is using Angular instead of jQuery. "It's incredible. We love it. We've been slaving away with jQuery / Backbone for a long time before switching."
-Start with this:+===== Location Service =====
-<code> +Need to compare [[|Geoloqi]] vs. OpenPaths. An interesting iPhone app is [[|Abvio]]. (Example [[|map.]])
-curl '\[1,2,"112121758194167388066",null,null,null,null,"",\[\]\] +
-===== Music ===== +  Optimize writes(Maybe copy original filethen open copy with w+?)
- +
-Round out some glaring omissions +
- +
-  Original source for the quartet song you love +
-  * Couple more RHCP songs you've liked What are they? +
-  * Make page of music to listen to: American Idiot, more Radiohead, etc. +
-  * Maybe [[|Ain't no rest for the wicked]] or some Black Keys? +
-  * Maybe some Jay-Z?  99 ProblemsEmpire state of mind? +
- +
- +
-===== Exit Strategies ===== +
- +
-  * Maybe migrate delicious to pinboard +
-  * Maybe migrate from flickr to picasaweb or smugmug or +
-  * Archive livejournal posts +
- +
-Maybe use [[]] to search them all?+
 ===== Blogs ===== ===== Blogs =====
-  * Add a "[[|Respond Privately]]" or email link after comments get closed. 
-  * Consider that mobile style used by Leigh Reyes and Milkypink.  Do something like that. 
   * Blog about: [[,1|Building the factory next to the gold mine]].   * Blog about: [[,1|Building the factory next to the gold mine]].
-  * Blog about the making of the [[|TechCrunch Filter Feed]]. +  * Blog about the Life Unexamined.  Maybe reference [[|some links here]].
-  * Blog about the Live Unexamined.  Maybe reference [[|some links here]].+
   * Block about [[|this metaphor of software development strategies]], farming vs. mining.   * Block about [[|this metaphor of software development strategies]], farming vs. mining.
   * Blog about [[|Why we should present evidence in a context that doesn't trigger a defensive, emotional reaction when trying to sway opinion]]. Maybe mention [[|Lovaglia's Law]].   * Blog about [[|Why we should present evidence in a context that doesn't trigger a defensive, emotional reaction when trying to sway opinion]]. Maybe mention [[|Lovaglia's Law]].
Line 49: Line 25:
   * [[|Own your identity]].   * [[|Own your identity]].
   * [[|Accelerating Addictiveness vs. Willpower]] Framing in terms of the positive.   * [[|Accelerating Addictiveness vs. Willpower]] Framing in terms of the positive.
 +  * [[|Why Johnny Can't Search]]
 +  * [[|The Joy of Quiet]] There are some excellent quotes here.
 +  * [[|We're creating a culture of distraction]], maybe this in combination with one or two links above?
 +  * [[|After X years programming]] Dave Winer writes why he loves programming, and so does Amir in [[|Programming is an Art]].
 +  * Compare the thinking in [[|How Millenials Watch TV]] to the thinking of owning a Kscape system. Especially those who'll never see classics like Ermo.
 ===== Back Burner ===== ===== Back Burner =====
-  * Visualizations: Check out that awesome HTML5 visualization from colleague. 
-  * Consider replacing imdbphp with [[|imdbpy]]. 
   * Investigate [[|Awesome Notes]] and [[|Instapaper]] and [[|Taskpaper]].   * Investigate [[|Awesome Notes]] and [[|Instapaper]] and [[|Taskpaper]].
-  * Mobile Dokuwiki: See if I can disable plugin sidebarng based on the value of [[|$INFO['ismobile']]], and make other mobile stylesheet customizations. 
   * Keep reading [[|Dive into HTML5]]   * Keep reading [[|Dive into HTML5]]
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   * Songs not playing - symbolic link problem vs. file copying   * Songs not playing - symbolic link problem vs. file copying
   * OpenTape data is encrypted.   * OpenTape data is encrypted.
todo.1313883065.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)