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sidebar:sidebar-css-bug [2011/05/05 11:06] – created dblumesidebar:sidebar-css-bug [2023/04/12 20:44] (current) – external edit
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-====== Overview ======+====== Sidebar CSS Changes ======
 This sidebar template is based on Chris's [[|sidebar template]]. This sidebar template is based on Chris's [[|sidebar template]].
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 I've considered changing the code in ''inc/htmp.php'''s ''html_search()'' function to work around this, but that'd be a hack. I've considered changing the code in ''inc/htmp.php'''s ''html_search()'' function to work around this, but that'd be a hack.
-====== Download ======+The actual fix was to create a new "parent" div containing the wiki content page on the right.  Then the contained div's CSS clear was unaffected by the sidebar.
-If you're interested in this version of the sidebar, though, here it is: 
-{{|}} (About 31Kb.) 
sidebar/sidebar-css-bug.1304618816.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)