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projects:potential-projects [2023/04/12 20:44] – external edit [2023/05/14 10:31] (current) – [Potential Projects] dblume
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 This is sort of a staging ground for future projects.  It was ported from the Google Wave page, "David's Potential Projects" This is sort of a staging ground for future projects.  It was ported from the Google Wave page, "David's Potential Projects"
 +===== Short Projects to Learn Things =====
 +  * [[|Write Doom using Python]] YouTube series. Those videos and you could have a passable Doom renderer, reading from WAD, in an afternoon or two. It’s a really great series, going step by step.
 +  * [[|Ray Tracing in One Weekend]].
 +  * [[|Raspberry Pi Pico projects]]
 +  * [[|500 Lines or Less]]
 ===== QR Code Business Card ===== ===== QR Code Business Card =====
projects/potential-projects.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/14 10:31 by dblume