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general:wide-monitor-tips [2011/05/05 11:08] – created dblumegeneral:wide-monitor-tips [2023/04/12 20:44] (current) – external edit
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 Visual Studio .NET (2003) doesn't seem to honor the above gridlines, though.  The next best thing is to use two vertical tab groups.  (Window->New Vertical Tab Group). Visual Studio .NET (2003) doesn't seem to honor the above gridlines, though.  The next best thing is to use two vertical tab groups.  (Window->New Vertical Tab Group).
 +{{ :general:togglefiletabgroupsmall.png |}}
 I've updated a version of my ToggleFile Add-In to open the files into alternating tab groups.  Now, hitting Ctrl+T opens the corresponding header or source file into the other pane.  It's very convenient. I've updated a version of my ToggleFile Add-In to open the files into alternating tab groups.  Now, hitting Ctrl+T opens the corresponding header or source file into the other pane.  It's very convenient.
general/wide-monitor-tips.1304618915.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)