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blade [2014/02/23 00:01] – [From Vol 28: Raining Chaos] dblumeblade [2023/04/12 20:44] (current) – external edit
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 As Giichi leaves Sosuke, he notes that while they live, Sosuke and Anotsu still have the Ittō-ryū name. But Giichi has nothing, but he can't let himself get killed (for Hyakurin's sake). As Giichi leaves Sosuke, he notes that while they live, Sosuke and Anotsu still have the Ittō-ryū name. But Giichi has nothing, but he can't let himself get killed (for Hyakurin's sake).
 +====== From Vol 29: Beyond Good and Evil ======
 +Flashback to when Kagehisa Anotsu's grandfather (**Saburō**) led the Ittō-ryū and threatened to kill Kagehisa (because Kagehisa would change the direction of the Ittō-ryū) to Abayama Sosuke. Abayama kills Saburō in response, under the guise that he "requested" it as an unfit leader.
 +Back in the present, Abayama reclines after being beaten by Giichi, and sees a ghostly darkness, and talks to it as if it were Saburō. He dies.
 +Giichi catches up with Habaki Kagimura (uninvited), and they tally up that they've killed half the Ittō-ryū. Only Anotsu's Edo party remains, and Habiki heads to the port of Nakaminato. At the port, Habaki orders the killing of every single port man as a preventative measure against Anotsu.
 +They're outmatched by Makie Otono-Tachibana, (Anotsu's female companion), on one of the boats. She has tuberculosis. (Habaki lies to the local constables about who did the killing on the boats, blaming the Ittō-ryū.) Makie kills the constables who surround her.
 +Just before the European Giant, next in line to kill the woman, can kill her, Manji shows up. He gives her "medicine" in the form of an Asaemon pill that she needs since Anotsu wasn't around to do it himself.
 +Rin shows up to the party by land, just before Anotsu shows up by sea. Anotsu explains his complicated strategy, and vows to kill Kagimura that day. Kagimura orders the Eurpean Giant to kill Rin, Manji and Anotsu's girlfriend. A two-page spread of a fight, a scene of tree branches, and then... Rin's(?) crawling along the street, about to die, and unexpectedly gets picked up on horseback by Taito Magatsu (with the spikey hair and face cloth).
 +Manji has trouble fighting the well-armored European giant, and Rin tries to help by doing her dagger-throwing Swallow something attack at him from behind. He deflects the attack and comments about their "two vs. one" strategy. "Hmf. So it's my fate to destroy such a young girl?"
 +====== From Vol 30: Vigilance ======
 +All fighting, all the time. The fights are interleaved.
 +Habaki Kagimura and Anotsu Kagehisa fight amonst Mon Gates on a hillside. Anotsu loses his heavy weapon, and uses is sword. Eventually, they both lose their weapons, and in hand-to-hand combat, they fall down the mountainside. No telling how either one fares.
 +Manji fights the European Giant. His arm gets torn off. Rin's out finding whale oil an flint. Manji's body is torn in half. Rin covers it, and stalls long enough for Manji to splice back together. Rin sliced her wrist to cause bleeding that'd convince the giant it was Manji bleeding and dying. Manji manages to slice the giant's arm off, and graft it to his own body. He looks freaky with the one large arm. Rin covers the giant's body in oil and ignites it. After more grueling battle, Manji defeats the giant. Manji tries to save Rin before she bleeds out. She's cold, and he carries her away.
 +Makie fights more of Habaki's goons. Tarieshin, Mitake and Doma take her on next. Just before Makie can finish off Mitake, he sees Giichi appear behind her, and pleads, "Kill this she-demon!"
blade.1393142482.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/12 20:44 (external edit)